

Welcome to my Blog. I have been encouraged for a couple of years to start a blog and have finally done it. I'm sure it will be a work in progress for a while as I seek to upload lots of my cakes. This is something I enjoy doing for family and friends. This year it has really taken off and now I am doing it for friends of friends of friends. The vast majority of my cakes are your traditional vanilla or chocolate cakes. However, I make red velvet, carrot, Italian cream, and others from scratch. My newest specialty is allergy free cakes for people in need. Why? Because all kids deserve a birthday cake and no bakeries (around here anyways) will do them. I have also spent a lot of time this past year researching, experimenting, and inventing gluten free recipes of my favorite things like muffins, cookies, pies, etc. I hope to share some of that as time goes on.