
Sunday, August 29, 2010

UGA Football Cake

I had fun with this football cake. I didn't have a football pan, but I think the carving of it went very well. I made this cake for a dairy free client. I think it was one of his first decorated Birthday Cakes.

Ladybug Sheet Cake

I made this simple little sheet cake last minute for a ladybug themed baby shower.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Flip Flop Cake #2

I hate it when I make mistakes. A lesson in organization. The previous flip flop cake was supposed to be a gluten AND dairy free cake. My first version was just gluten free. Fortunately, I realized the mistake in time to remake this cake for the birthday girl. No harm done.
My gf daughter's dance studio was having a swim party that day so we took the other flip flop cake to that gathering and we didn't have to waste it. It all worked out in the end. I liked the 2nd cake better anyway. Always room for improvement and this was my first experience doing the flip flop cakes.

Senior Year Cake

I made this cake for Luke's friend who was having a party to
celebrate the arrival of their Senior Year.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

College Cork Board

This cake was made for a post graduation/18th Birthday/ college going away party.
Her parents combined all celebrations into one event. We decided to make a college themed cork board with her favorite verse, college letters, and some pictures of friends.

Bandit Baseball

The Bandits Baseball Cake. This was a team logo.

This cake was made for a Celiac Client. The baseball is gluten free separated by cardboard from the rest of the traditional vanilla cake. This is a great way to have gluten free for a few that need it and not have the high cost of gluten free for everyone.

G-Free Wraps

These little things can be a little tricky but they are very yummy. It may take some practice but don't give up. They are well worth it.

1 cup gfree flour
1/2 tsp xantham gum
1/4 tsp salt
(other herbs as desired)
2 Tbsp olive oil
3-5 Tbsp cold water

Mix dry ingredients. Add in olive oil and mix slightly. Add in water a little at a time until a nice dough forms. You don't want it too dry or it will crumble. You don't want it too sticky or you won't be able to roll it out. Pinch off small balls about the size of a golf ball and roll out on wax paper with corn or tapioca starch. You want it thin. Cook over med high heat with olive oil for about 1 minute on the first side and 30 secs on the second side or until golden brown. When you see several large bubbles form it is time to flip.

This recipe makes about 5 wraps. They can be stored in freezer size bag in the refrigerator. These wraps are great for sandwiches, tacos, fajitas, etc! My favorite is a chicken rancher!

Gluten Free Chocolate Chip Cookies

3/4 cup organic brown sugar
3/4 cup organic cane sugar
2 sticks of softened butter
2 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla
2 1/4 cup gfree flour
1 1/2 tsp xantham gum
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
2 cups morsels
1 cup nuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Combine sugars and butter in a bowl and mix together until creamy and well blended. Whisk together eggs and vanilla and add to mixture beating together well. In a separate bowl combine the dry ingredients and stir well. Gradually beat in the flour mixture. Add in morsels and nuts. Drop by spoonfuls onto cookie sheet and bake for 8-10 minutes.

I like to use 1 1/4 cup Bob's All-Purpose G free flour, 1/2 cup brown rice flour, and 1/2 cup white rice flour. I also chop up one 70% dark chocolate bar for my morsels.

I prefer to bake the cookies mini size like chips ahoy or even famous amos size. It will make 6-8 dozen mini cookies depending on size. You need only bake them for 6 minutes. I put 1-2 in snack size baggies and freeze them. This is a great treat to add to my kids school lunches and they are thawed by lunch time!

Gluten & Dairy Free Waffles

1 cup gfree flour
1/4 tsp xantham gum
1 tsp Rumford baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
1 egg or Ener-G replacer
3/4 cup warm water
2 Tbsp of oil (I use coconut)
2 Tbsp of Agave or Honey.

Mix dry ingredients and add wet ingredients one at a time. Whisk until blended. Pour onto hot griddle (I have found it doesn't pour like traditional batter so you have to spread it out. The yield is 4 square waffles. I double and triple the recipe to make a lot at time and freeze them. They are great to pop in the toaster and much cheaper than supermarket gfree waffles.